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Indian Particle Accelerator Conference (InPAC-2019) – New Delhi, India


AK Steel International will be exhibiting on the Indian Particle Accelerator Conference and Exhibition in New Delhi, 18th – 21st November 2019.

The InPAC-2019 will provide an excellent platform to accelerator physicists and engineers of India to share their work and to exchange knowledge, expertise and ideas in the various aspects of particle accelerators. This event is the leading domestic particle accelerator conference and covers the entire spectrum of accelerator science and applications.

AK Steel International (formerly ARMCO®) developed a wide range of Stainless Steels and Specialty Products, including ARMCO® PURE IRON, which are successfully used in big science applications (accelerator magnets, shielding, detector components). AK Steel International’s leading expert will be available at the booth for a technical exchange about the products as well as to answer any questions. Please feel free to contact him in advance under

InPAC-2019 is the perfect conference for delegates to present invited and contributed papers and posters, to receive immediate feedback on their research studies and to get problem solving suggestions.  Attendees receive new ideas and possible solutions to their own technical problems, develop new contacts and strengthen existing collaborations with colleagues and suppliers. It is a perfect venue for all stakeholders to bring themselves up to date on the newest developments in accelerator technology.

The conference will be held at:
Inter University Accelerator Centre
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg
New Delhi 110067
For more information about InPAC-2019 please follow this link:    

We look forward to meeting you at InPAC-2019 in New Dehli!

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